Senior Information and Assistance
If you have questions about what programs are available for senior citizens in your area, contact your Area Area Agency on Aging offices for assistance. You will be connected to an Information and Assistance Specialist. They will discuss your situation with you right then over the phone and make an appointment for you with a personal Care Coordinator.
They will schedule a time to assess your needs and determine the programs and services that would best fit. Your personal Care Coordinator will work with you throughout the process and may refer to you other resources and services as needed.
What Services Do Local Agencies Provide for Senior Citizens?
Our Information and Assistance Specialists can give you detailed information on the services available in your region. Many of our Area Agencies on Aging offer:
- Care Coordination
- Home Care Services
- Family Caregiver Support
- In-Home Respite Care
- Ombudsman Programs
- Senior Centers
- Limited Group Transportation
- Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
- Meals on Wheels
- Personal Care Services
- Veteran Assistance
Contact your local agency’s Information and Assistance Specialists to discuss all the programs for which you may be eligible to help you get the services you need to remain safe, healthy, and independent for as long as possible.
There are many benefits for seniors available at no cost through community services and programs of which you may be unaware. Contact your local Area Agency on Aging to learn more about the benefits available to you.

What You Need To Know
- There are programs and benefits available for low-income seniors
- Care Coordination and Application Assistance are at no cost to you
- We will assign a permanent Care Coordinator dedicated to your care
- We can answer questions about our programs as well as other programs in your area that may supplement your care
- We are ready and waiting to help improve your quality of life–just call
Senior Information and Assistance Near Me
If you want to know more about the programs and benefits for seniors available in your area, contact us below. We are here to help you discover, apply for, and coordinate all of the care services you need to remain independent and healthy for as long as possible. Information and Assistance services are at no cost to you, so never hesitate to call.